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July 3, 2016 Susan Elkin

The Tempest (Susan Elkin reviews)

30 June, Courtyard of George Hotel, Huntingdon Lynne Livingstone’s lithe, quavering Ariel wafts continuously as if she were a strand of rippling...

July 3, 2016 Susan Elkin

King Lear (Susan Elkin reviews)

26 June, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in collaboration with Bristol Old Vic Bristol Old Vic, currently undergoing major renovations so that...

July 3, 2016 Susan Elkin

Chester Tuffnut (Susan Elkin reviews)

26 June, Polka Theatre Wimbledon, 240 The Broadway, London SW19 1SB This little show exudes charm, looks and sounds attractive and comes...

July 3, 2016 Susan Elkin

1984 (Susan Elkin reviews)

28 June 2016, Playhouse Theatre, Northumberland Avenue, London, WC2N 5DE “Well Bugsy Malone it certainly isn’t” commented the woman behind me with...

June 23, 2016 Susan Elkin

Henry V (Susan Elkin review)

Taiko style rhythmic drumming, dazzling lights and line fighting in silhouette make for battle scenes as effective as I’ve ever seen them...

June 17, 2016 Susan Elkin

Richard III (Susan Elkin review)

Ralph Fiennes gives us a slightly twisted mouth as well as body, “I can smile and murder while I smile” has rarely...