The Wind in the Wiltons/Willows (Susan Elkin reviews)
The Wind in the Wi̵l̵l̵o̵w̵s̵ Wilton’s 4 stars Show: The Wind in the Wi̵l̵l̵o̵w̵s̵ Wilton’s Society: London (professional shows) Venue: Wilton’s Music Hall. 1 Graces...
The Wind in the Wi̵l̵l̵o̵w̵s̵ Wilton’s 4 stars Show: The Wind in the Wi̵l̵l̵o̵w̵s̵ Wilton’s Society: London (professional shows) Venue: Wilton’s Music Hall. 1 Graces...
I’ve admired the work of Paterson Joseph, actor, for a long time – most recently in Noughts and Crosses and Vigil both...
I can’t remember when a book grabbed me by the throat quite as forcibly as this one did. Although, of course, I’ve...
Anita Brookner – mistress of understatement, crystalline prose and unfulfilled older women – won the Booker Prize with Hotel du Lac in...
First published in 1958, Things Fall Apart is a moving account of what happened in the late 19th century Nigeria when colonial...
Earlier this year I read Frances Quinn’s That Bonesetter Woman, on the strength of a Sunday Times review, and liked it a...
Like nearly everyone else I read Wolf Hall, Bring Up the Bodies and The Mirror and the Light initially with excitement and...
A few weeks ago, I took my younger pair of granddaughters – aged 11 and 7 – to Little Angel Theatre in...