Roald Dahl’s The Enormous Crocodile The Musical continues at the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, London until 8 June 2024.
Star rating: four stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ✩
Roald Dahl’s time-honoured 1978 tale of a very peckish crocodile (we 1970s parents know it by heart) is effectively a very light-hearted take on the traditional overcoming-the-monster story. And in the hands of Suhayla El-Bushra and Ahmed Abdullahi Gallab (additional music and lyrics by Tom Brady), with Emily Lim directing, it makes a wittily entertaining piece of musical theatre.
The set (Fly Davis) is green and jungly and the show opens with the cast, looking leafy, touring the auditorium with coloured puppet birds on rods. And there’s a rather gorgeous scene at the end when we get huge planets and blue smoke as the eponymous reptile goes of to be “sizzled like a sausage” by the sun.
Musical director Màth Roberts sits with a keyboard in a side-stage …
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