The Gift
By Dave Florez
Directed by Adam Meggido
Park Theatre, Finsbury Park
Star rating: 3
A nicely paced three hander comedy, The Gift opens with three people staring horrified into a cake box. It has arrived through the post and contains a human turd.
The named recipient Colin (Nicholas Burns), who evidently has anxiety problems, is being supported by his sister Lisa (Laura Haddock) and his university friend Brian (Alex Price), who is now also his brother-in-law. As situation comedy goes, it’s pretty funny and Dave Florez’s dialogue zings along. All three actors are compelling and there’s a lot of fine acting in this production along with some effective use of well timed, “loud” silences when characters are horrified, incredulous or dumb-struck.
For the 110 minutes that the action of this play runs (it’s billed at 2 hrs and 10 mins including interval) these three characters discuss, argue, and attempt to think rationally about, who might have sent the “gift” and why. Colin, who has no sense of humour and is probably on the autistic spectrum, prepares a massive spreadsheet. There’s a falling out with the patisserie whose box was used – and a reported police incident as Colin gets ever more manic. Brian, meanwhile, tries to be rational but is at heart a joker. Lisa patiently and articulately tries to arbitrate between them but clearly finds them both hard work. And so it marches on through various twists and turns.
Although this is an entertaining piece, guaranteed to make you laugh, the basic idea is too thin for a play of this length. It would have worked better as a brisk 60 minute one act job. The final minutes are a bit tame too, bringing us an unexpected upbeat development in the relationship between Lisa and Brian which feels pretty contrived.
Runs until 01 March 2025