Kidults! The Musical continues at the Bridewell Theatre until 26 October 2024. The show is also playing at the Courtyard Theatre from 29 October to 2 November and at 229 London from 4 to 6 November.
Star rating: one star ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Mark Tunstall’s poems about adolescence, school and growing up make a rather uneasy two hours of plotless theatre.
There’s some dialogue, spliced together with musical solos, duets and ensembles based on the words which are quite poignant and witty in places. Imagine a second-rate version of TS Eliot when he was in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats mode.
Lulu Chen is the composer but some of the songs have been composed by others which may, in part, account for the unevenness and lack of cohesion.
This was the first-ever performance of this show so I won’t dwell on the clunky cueing, the ragged entries to many numbers and the ensemble singing which wasn’t in tune. Presumably, these things may improve as the show beds in …
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