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August 30, 2017 Susan Elkin

Money Worries

Money is becoming a problem in the household I share with My Loved One and the loathed Ms Alzheimers. Don’t squirm. This...

August 23, 2017 Susan Elkin

A little light reading?

If something happens to me or to someone close to me, I thirst for information. When I was pregnant with my first...

August 20, 2017 Susan Elkin

Prom 36 (Susan Elkin reviews)

It is Thomas Dausgaard’s extraordinary control over dynamics that I shall remember most about this concert. In the Schubert he had the...

August 15, 2017 Susan Elkin

Trying to hang on to a can-do mindset

Sod you, Ms Alzheimer’s. Time for some positive thinking. Whatever you say and do there are still, at the moment, plenty of...

August 9, 2017 Susan Elkin

The sleepiness curse

Dave squaring up to Berlioz When I was a child whimsical adults would talk about benign fairies coming at bedtime to scatter...

August 8, 2017 Susan Elkin

Prom 26 (Susan Elkin reviews)

Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen Parvo Jarvi Vilde Frang (violin) Lawrence Power (viola) This was a concert which grew in scale as it proceeded....

August 8, 2017 Susan Elkin

Prom 20 (Susan Elkin reviews)

Imaginative programming meant there were three contrasting styles from three different centuries in this vibrant concert. All credit to the BBC too...