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October 31, 2018 Susan Elkin

Give me all your bank cards

Money, money, money … managing it gets ever more difficult when you have destructive, unhelpful Ms Alzheimer’s as your new partner. Like...

October 24, 2018 Susan Elkin

These boots were made for walking

One of the things I miss most in my new hard-to-adjust-to, Alzheimer’s-polluted marriage, is companionable walks. We used to walk miles together....

October 17, 2018 Susan Elkin

Long live kindness

Most people get it. I’ve written before about the kind consideration My Loved One – Ms Alzheimer’s glowering menacingly over his shoulder...

October 12, 2018 Susan Elkin

The Nutcracker and I (Susan Elkin reviews)

Alexandra Dariescu & Desiree Ballantyne, King’s Place Presented here as part of London Piano Festival at King’s Place, The Nutcracker and I is effectively...

October 10, 2018 Susan Elkin

Clothes and Cutlery

We seem to be morphing into a box-ticking case study. Whenever an Alzheimer’s patient is “assessed” (like being back in the classroom)...

October 3, 2018 Susan Elkin

Good bye travel?

One of the hardest things about life with Ms Alzheimer’s, as she slowly but ruthlessly tightens her grip, is recognising and accepting...

September 26, 2018 Susan Elkin

Patience on a monument (not)

Readers of these blogs, who don’t know me in person, often kindly tell me what a patient, kind and loving person I...

September 19, 2018 Susan Elkin

Alzheimer’s awareness

This Friday (21 September) is World Alzheimer’s Day. September is, in fact, World Alzheimer’s Month with this one day as the focus....