Theatre programmes: To bin or not to bin?
What do you do with theatre programmes after the event? As a professional reviewer I am always given one because, obviously, I...
What do you do with theatre programmes after the event? As a professional reviewer I am always given one because, obviously, I...
Drama schools are still accused of having their heads stuck in theatrical clouds so that their graduates leave college with little idea...
Oh how easy it is to sneer when you’re not in full possession of the facts. Last week 2,500 students surveyed by...
An actor is someone who, among other things, pretends to be someone else in a play or film. Agreed? And just to...
Last week I called in on the National Theatre’s Creative Careers day – of which more in The Stage very soon. Suffice...
What was it Bob Dylan used to sing about “The times they are a’changing?” I don’t think he meant drama schools but...
There is no doubt that applying to vocational training organisations is an expensive minefield. Some operate within UCAS. Others don’t. Some are...
If you stand on a stage and act, sing or dance people are going to comment on your performance. And it won’t...